
Using drupal 7 commerce feeds, how can I import the node reference images?

I have followed the drupal commerce guide on this site. All of my products have been imported and show up in the store. When I attempt to import the Product Reference's everything is good except the images won't show up. Can someone point me in the right direction ?

i can view the image url so i know its not a permissions issue, also the CSV is similar to the one used in the example on this site.


Posted: Nov 7, 2012


alanmaceoin on November 30, 2012

You have to upload the images to the server, i used a folder called import_images in the web root.

Then in your CSV file you reference the absolute path of the image on the server filesystem... for example:

If your webroot is /var/www in your csv file you will have a reference like /var/www/import_images/product1.jpg

Hope this helps!
