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Commerce Kickstart inline CSS in mail, how?

oh please someone be able to help with this: I have created a test installation of Commerce Kickstart. I can see that CK is able to add inline styles to the confirmation emails. CK uses mimemail which looks for a mail.css file, and if I change some styles in that file the changes is reflected in the inline styles of the confirmation mail. HOWEVER, in my own installation of vanilla commerce Im not able to reproduce the inline styling. How does CK transform the mail.css to inline styles?

Asked by: tolborg
on November 9, 2013

2 Answers

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Zomg. I did not enable the Mime Mail CSS Compressor module.

Answer by: tolborg
Posted: Nov 9, 2013
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Look into the HTML Mail module. It explains everything you need to know for how to send out HTML Emails with styling. Also combine the emogrifier module, you can use the css in your theme.

Answer by: Travis
Posted: Nov 11, 2013