Drupal Commerce Blog

What's happening in the world of Drupal Commerce.

Commerce 2.x Stories: Products

Previously we talked about currencies and stores. This week we’ll focus on products.

Drupal 8 product list.

Commerce 2.x ships with much better UX out of the box, thanks to a revamped product architecture. It also features under the hood improvements that allow developers to implement custom product architectures for different use cases.

Read on...

Bojan Zivanovic's picture
Posted: November 20, 2015

Contributor Spotlight: Joël Pittet

Say hi. (who are you and what do you do in the Commerce ecosystem)

Hi:) My name is Joël Pittet and I’m out of Vancouver, BC, Canada. I offered to help co-maintain commerce_discount and a few other Commerce modules as well as likely involved in messing about with patches all over Commerce ecosystem.

How did you get involved with contributing to Drupal Commerce?

Started working on a Drupal Commerce project, noticed things could use some fixing up and jumped in the deep end. I was recognized for helping triage the commerce queue in a fervor to fix all the things.

Stephen Weinberg's picture
Posted: November 16, 2015

Drupal 7 Commerce Sprint Month Retrospective

One month ago we kicked off the Drupal 7 Commerce Sprint. This sprint is an initiative to work on Drupal Commerce 1.x and contributed projects in the ecosystem. Every week we have held a scrum in the form of office hours in the #drupal-commerce IRC channel, along with a Google Hangout for those who want to sprint virtually together.

What has been accomplished?

We have had over twelve participants since the first office hours and averaged around five attendees each week. Thanks to these community members we’ve accomplished the following!

New / Updated modules

Matt Glaman's picture
Posted: November 11, 2015

Commerce 2.x Stories: Stores

Last time we talked about currencies. Now it's time for arguably one of the biggest new concepts in Commerce 2.x: stores.

Stores represent billing locations, and were made to cover two primary use cases.

Click here to find out what they are...

Bojan Zivanovic's picture
Posted: November 10, 2015

Commerce 2.x Stories: Currencies

Welcome back. Last week we discussed our efforts around libraries, Composer, dependent modules. This week it’s time to jump into Commerce itself. Let’s start with currencies.

The very first Commerce 2.x story discussed our efforts to replace the hardcoded Commerce 1.x currency list with one generated from an external source. It also discussed our efforts to improve currency formatting. This work resulted in the commerceguys/intl library. It contains a list all currencies in the world, as well as translated currency names and symbols for over 200 languages. This list gets updated and expanded every 6 months (according to the CLDR release schedule).

On the Commerce side, currencies are configuration entities. A price field is provided that stores amounts and their currency codes.
The field widget and formatter are locale aware and use the intl library's NumberFormatter to do the heavy lifting.

Read on for more details...

Bojan Zivanovic's picture
Posted: October 29, 2015

Contributor Spotlight: Erik Peterson

Say hi. (who are you and what do you do in the Commerce ecosystem)

Hi! My name is Erik Peterson, aka torgosPizza, and I’m the “web guy” at RiffTrax.com, a web-based spinoff of the cult TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000. We’ve been making movies funny since 2006, and I help make that possible by maintaining the website and making sure our customers are able to get their downloads. I’m a self-taught developer with a BFA in Graphic Design, a proud Commerce contributor, and have been working with Drupal for over 8 years. Our site relies very heavily on Commerce, and so that’s where I spend the majority of my time in the issue queue!

Stephen Weinberg's picture
Posted: October 27, 2015

Commerce 2.x Stories: Update

Drupal 8 is now ready for production use, with RC1 released just recently. This also means that work on D8 contrib is accelerating, and everyone is curious about when they can start their first eCommerce sites.

A production ready Commerce 2.x beta won’t happen for another two months. However, we’re ready to start releasing related modules, tag Commerce alphas, write documentation, and track our progress more publicly. Starting from today we’ll do weekly blog posts showing the current state of Commerce 2.x. And for the people who want to build the future instead of just anticipating it, we’re holding IRC meetings every wednesday at 3PM GMT+2 on #drupal-commerce.

So, what have we been up to?

Bojan Zivanovic's picture
Posted: October 21, 2015

Contributor Spotlight: Lars Olesen

Lars Oleson is a native of Denmark and a school teacher by trade. He's also the co-maintainer of Commerce Kickstart v2 and a community member who has brought a lot of positive changes to the project.

Say hi. (who are you and what do you do in the Commerce ecosystem)

I am just a random guy who contributed a little time, effort and work in the issue queue.

How did you get involved with contributing to Drupal Commerce?

I got interested in Drupal some years ago when I grew tired of maintaining my own little systems for different websites. I created a site both for my workplace (vih.dk) and for my little frisbee shop (discimport.dk). I thought Commerce Kickstart was a very cool starting place for creating a shop. The 2.x branch just started to take place, so it had a couple of hiccups at the alpha and beta-stage. I started reporting issues in the issue queue - and had a very good response for especially bojanz every time.

Stephen Weinberg's picture
Posted: October 13, 2015

Drupal 7 Commerce Sprint

I'm excited to announce the arrival of a new phase of contribution for Drupal Commerce for Drupal 7. While there is a large group of developers focused on updating and readying Drupal Commerce for Drupal 8, there is still a need for many of us (me included!) to enhance and improve the current, stable version of Commerce. To that end, I'm helping to establish a regular update and refresh that is sponsored through my work at Commerce Guys.

The goal of the Commerce 7.x Sprint is to provide a common community push to sprint on the Drupal Commerce ecosystem at large. This will be handled using coordinated office hours in the Drupal-Commerce IRC channel and a new issue tag, commerce-sprint.

Matt Glaman's picture
Posted: October 12, 2015

Commerce Kickstart 2.27 Release

Commerce Kickstart 2.27 was released today, and includes quite a few bugfixes and features. Recently Commerce Kickstart 2 upgraded from Features 1.x to the Features 2.x API, and we've added some measures to help with the upgrade process! If you're not using Features Override yet, go on get it! Use this to save your customizations to the distribution and have a smoother upgrade. For more information, see the Installing & Upgrading guide.

Matt Glaman's picture
Posted: July 29, 2015


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