Drupal Commerce Blog

What's happening in the world of Drupal Commerce.

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Reporting

Drupal Commerce Reporting

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Reporting, maintained by Christophe Van Gysel who interned at Commerce Guys last year and is now interning at Google in the United States (yes, we’re all jealous of Christophe). Get ready for a high impact and extremely useful module, folks. It not only “just works” it takes all of it’s data from the existing database and displays fancy graphs and filterable reports. In other words, even if your store was built on a pre-beta Commerce from 2011, this module would still be able to read your store history.

Christophe had to really jump a number of hurdles to get this module launched last year, not the least of which was a lack of community consensus on how to display graphs from Views 3.x on Drupal 7. So he built the Visualization API which has now eclipsed commerce_reports in terms of active installs. So, as a part of another Commerce Module Tuesday, I invite you to sit back and take a look at another awesome community contributed module that fills a vital role: data mining.

(Video and Setup steps after the break.)

Josh Miller's picture
Posted: May 7, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Checkout Pages

Drupal Commerce Checkout Pages

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Checkout Pages, maintained by Kai Curry from Sundays Energy. This module enhances the checkout process a great deal by making the checkout pages as easy to deal with as the checkout panes. Ever wanted to drag and drop the hard-coded checkout pages? How about create a custom “cart” page that was a part of the checkout process? Think you would like a separate checkout page for terms of service? This module provides all you need to make a custom checkout page possible from within the user interface.

Thankfully, unlike the last Commerce Module Tuesday, we simply need to enable this module to take advantage of it’s features. Note that if you’re after custom checkout panes (the things that show up on the checkout pages) then you should take a look at the Commerce Module Tuesday where we talked about Commerce Extra Panes.

(Video after the break.)

Josh Miller's picture
Posted: April 30, 2013

Drupal Commerce sites can now use Google Store Locator

Working in eCommerce all the time can make it easy to forget that a vast majority of consumer spending is still done in brick-and-mortar shops. Discovering a dearth of ‘easy to install and configure’ store locator modules on drupal.org prompted us at Commerce Guys to create one. Our choice of which direction to move in was made easier because Google had recently announced the release of a store locator utility library, that makes working with their Maps API relatively painless.

Posted: April 26, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Backoffice

Commerce Backoffice

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Backoffice, maintained by Bojan Živanović from Commerce Guys. This module (and a few dependencies) provides the rich store owner experience that has made Commerce Kickstart 2 so popular. In the video below, you will see the interface and discussion about using this module as a “simplified interface” instead of installing the Commerce Kickstart 2 juggernaut.

View Video and Installation Instructions

Josh Miller's picture
Posted: April 23, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Giftwrap

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Giftwrap, maintained by Matt Smith from CTI Digital. This module provides a very quick and easy way to offer a gift wrapping option to your Drupal Commerce checkout. This module is a great “it just works” example of a checkout configuration pane.

Watch the Commerce Giftwrap video

Josh Miller's picture
Posted: April 16, 2013

Drupal Commerce 1.6 Released

This evening I released Drupal Commerce 1.6 after a fun sprint of last minute bug fixing and feature postponing. My condolences to those whose favorite upcoming features didn't make the cut. : )

The last release of the core Drupal Commerce project was just shy of two months ago. In that time I've had the pleasure of committing 50+ patches from 34 different contributors (including myself). Over half of the contributors to this release were first time contributors to the project, and together they helped us close out 25+ bug reports, bringing our active count down to a mere 26. Can't wait to hit the mythical issue queue zero!

Read on for a summary of the greatest new features and most celebrated bug fixes.

Ryan Szrama's picture
Posted: April 10, 2013

Exploring Drupal Commerce Support Options

As Drupal Developers, you’re likely to run into a few questions when you first crack open Drupal Commerce. There’s something foreign and perhaps a bit scary about building a website that accepts money. The site better be solid, secure, flexible, and (above all) easy to understand.

That’s why we built literally everything in Drupal Commerce on the shoulders of existing technology that Drupal Developers understand: Views, Entities, Fields, etc. That decision doesn’t help you if you don’t understand existing Drupal sites.

So we have an interesting and fantastic problem: we’ve got this great software, but we have more and more questions flooding into drupalcommerce.org about Drupal, about eCommerce stores, about security, and many other topics.

Questions and Answers on drupalcommerce.org

Josh Miller's picture
Posted: April 2, 2013

What’s new on DrupalCommerce.org

Well, it’s been a little over 9 months since we launched the new drupalcommerce.org. As most Drupal developers have experienced, our “wishlist” of features continues to be longer than we can invest at any one time. But we’ve been patiently adding and improving on the site since we launched. Today is a special day because we’ve retired our old modules listing and launched a number of new features for our questions & answers tool.

Extensions Listing

We've got all kinds of new features and pretty screenshots to share after the break.

Josh Miller's picture
Posted: March 5, 2013

CK Tip #2: Organizing your Store using Search API

Welcome to our second installment in the Commerce Kickstart Tip series! This tip will show you how to work with the built-in tools for creating a faceted catalog and search result page. In short, this tip will help you understand Kickstart so your customers can start to benefit from better catalog pages.

Faceted Search Commerce Kickstart Tip

The average online store has a massive problem: a catalog of products and no good way to help the customer find the right thing for the right price. The internet has solved many of it’s organization problems with just plain old text search. The problem with simple text search is that it lacks any understanding of your products, the prices, or even if they are meant for a specific gender or require additional shipping. Kickstart comes with a great solution built in using the Search API that can leverage apachesolr and other kinds of backends.

As always, we have a quick demonstration screencast after the break!

Josh Miller's picture
Posted: December 18, 2012

Kickstart Tip #1: Social Logins Made Simple

For all of the 2,400+ Commerce Kickstart 2 users out there, we have a really well kept secret: You have OAuth capabilities built right into your site! This means that in a few minutes, you can offer your customers the ability to login to your store using Facebook or Twitter or any other OAuth2 capable website service. As a merchant, can you imagine all of the benefits with allowing your customers register with Facebook or Twitter?

Josh Miller's picture
Posted: December 4, 2012


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