Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Google Analytics

Commerce Google Analytics

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Google Analytics, maintained by Lucio Waßill. We will go through setting up Google Analytics for your Drupal Commerce store.

If you are not already using an analytics package to track how your site is being used and gather information, you really should be doing so. Setting up Google Analytics is pretty quick and easy and is free. GA also has Ecommerce capabilities as well.

The Commerce Google Analtyics module for Drupal Commerce allows you to put order information such as product name, SKU, shipping amounts, tax, etc. into Google Analytics. You can use this information alongside other data to answer questions you have about your visitors and analytics data like “What sources convert,” “What is my average order value?,” and “How long does it take to convert a customer?”. You can also use it to help refine your funnels.

(Video & run-down after the break.)

Nicholas Vahalik
Posted: Oct 8, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Dunning - Part 2

Commerce Dunning, Part 2

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Dunning, Part 2. Last week we looked at what a "dunning process" looks like. Today, we're going to look at the Commerce Dunning module and the testing environment that comes with it. This is actually one of the hardest parts of a recurring setup to test, the failures. The module that we are creating here at Commerce Guys makes it very easy to test payment failures and work through all of the emails and touch points that you can set up as part of your dunning management.

Posted: Aug 13, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Dunning - Part 1

Commerce Dunning

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Dunning, something we at Commerce Guys have been working on for awhile. This is part one (on what a Dunning process looks like) in a two part series that we will finish next week with how to test the functionality that we discuss today

What is "Dunning" you ask? Sounds like a "dunce cap" that you might have heard of as a child? You're close! Dunning management (Delinquent User Notification) is the automated process that's kicked off when a charge attempt of a recurring order fails. This process involves periodic customer communication and payment retries.

In today’s video, we are simply going over the Dunning Process. This is an important step towards making Drupal Commerce handle recurring payments, and we’ve tried to make it as straightforward as possible.

(Video after the break.)

Posted: Aug 6, 2013

Commerce PayPal 2.0 Released

At the end of last year, I began an update to Commerce PayPal guided by Todd Hashimoto of PayPal. Our goal was clear: integrate Express Checkout, PayPal Payments Advanced, and Payflow Link on top of the PayPal WPS / WPP support the module already offered. By the time we hit beta, PayPal let us know just what they thought of our integration... by saying it was the strongest integration they've seen and then joining us to talk about it at DrupalCon Portland.

We've received great feedback from users and developers during the beta period, so I've just packaged a full 2.0 release incorporating a few bug fixes and additional features. Read on for more information about the services integrated and plans for continued development.

Ryan Szrama
Posted: Jun 29, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Recurring Framework

Commerce Recurring Framework

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Recurring Framework, maintained by Pedro Cambra (the screencast is about the new and highly anticipated 2.x branch). We will go through setting up a healthy recurring bill that would have your Commerce Kickstart 2 site sending out $7 toothbrushes once a month.

(Video after the break.)

Augustin Delaporte
Posted: Jun 18, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Product Add-on

Commerce Product URLs

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Product Add-on, maintained by Matt Robison who is the Vice President of Louisville Web Group. While I was at Drupalcon Portland, I was approached by two different individuals looking to do something that this modules makes very easy: Add a product as a checkbox on the add-to-cart form for another product.

(Video after the break.)

Josh Miller
Posted: Jun 11, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Product URLs

Commerce Product URLs

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Product URLs, maintained by Maciej Zgadzaj who is a senior developer at Commerce Guys. This project almost doesn’t require a video. If you’re running Commerce 1.6 or later, just go download this, enable it, and love yourself for making the world a better place. Actually, enabling the module, by default, doesn’t do anything, but the magic is there. And that’s where the video takes the next step. It shows us how to hack the URL to link directly to specific products.

(Video after the break.)

Josh Miller
Posted: May 14, 2013

Showcasing the latest Drupal Commerce sites exists to help people learn how to use and develop for Drupal Commerce. In addition to the traditional education tools we offer in our documentation, video library, and Commerce Q&A, we host a showcase of sites built using Drupal Commerce. It’s one thing to tell people how to use a tool to build something, but it’s quite another to show actually show them the end result.

And the results are stunning.

Since launching, we’ve received dozens of showcase requests from developers around the world. These sites have varied widely in design, feature set, market, and size, and each one provides an opportunity for new developers to learn something new.

Our handyman Josh Miller just finished a redesign of the showcase that will make it even easier for you to find reference sites built using Drupal Commerce and learn how they were built. Our showcase is now organized by a variety of categories based on the products sold and the tools used. You can quickly scan a list of beautiful sites for design and feature inspiration, and in our featured showcases you can find a write-up or case study describing the modules and processes used to develop the featured site.

We aim to give credit where credit is due, so while we would love for you to share your latest work with the community, we would also love to link to your company or personal website so new users know who to look to for advice and consulting when they need help. Our featured showcases in particular give you an opportunity to talk about the modules you used (or contributed!) to build a site and talk about how you solved the various configuration and deployment tasks involved in launching a high quality eCommerce project.

Use the showcase submission form to get your latest creation featured today!

Ryan Szrama
Posted: May 9, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Reporting

Drupal Commerce Reporting

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Reporting, maintained by Christophe Van Gysel who interned at Commerce Guys last year and is now interning at Google in the United States (yes, we’re all jealous of Christophe). Get ready for a high impact and extremely useful module, folks. It not only “just works” it takes all of it’s data from the existing database and displays fancy graphs and filterable reports. In other words, even if your store was built on a pre-beta Commerce from 2011, this module would still be able to read your store history.

Christophe had to really jump a number of hurdles to get this module launched last year, not the least of which was a lack of community consensus on how to display graphs from Views 3.x on Drupal 7. So he built the Visualization API which has now eclipsed commerce_reports in terms of active installs. So, as a part of another Commerce Module Tuesday, I invite you to sit back and take a look at another awesome community contributed module that fills a vital role: data mining.

(Video and Setup steps after the break.)

Josh Miller
Posted: May 7, 2013

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Checkout Pages

Drupal Commerce Checkout Pages

Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Checkout Pages, maintained by Kai Curry from Sundays Energy. This module enhances the checkout process a great deal by making the checkout pages as easy to deal with as the checkout panes. Ever wanted to drag and drop the hard-coded checkout pages? How about create a custom “cart” page that was a part of the checkout process? Think you would like a separate checkout page for terms of service? This module provides all you need to make a custom checkout page possible from within the user interface.

Thankfully, unlike the last Commerce Module Tuesday, we simply need to enable this module to take advantage of it’s features. Note that if you’re after custom checkout panes (the things that show up on the checkout pages) then you should take a look at the Commerce Module Tuesday where we talked about Commerce Extra Panes.

(Video after the break.)

Josh Miller
Posted: Apr 30, 2013


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